Advanced DNA profile provides the unique identification of a person to obtain a record of their genetic profile, a unique combination of 16 markers found in their DNA that serves as a permanent genetic ID. Organizations and private individuals choose to obtain records of their DNA profiles in case identification is ever needed. |
- To safeguard the rightful heirs and ensure that they will inherit your estate through the exclusion of false claims on your inheritance.
- To assist in requirements for determining current or future familial relationships.
- To avoid expensive exhumations if yur DNA profile may be required in the future.
- As a precaution for any possible future identification/verification requirements e.g. in cases of kidnapping, accidental death etc.
- To assure the availability of permanently stored identification records.
- To confirm the validity of the samples sent for a previous DNA relationship testing.
This service can be used by a wide range of individuals or organizations including:
- Large estate owners.
- Legal professionals including Notaries Public, Commissioners of Oaths and Family Lawyers.
- To avoid expensive exhumations if yur DNA profile may be required in the future.
- Legal professionals including Notaries Public, Commissioners of Oaths and Family Lawyers.
- Corporate Executives and Directors..
- Security service companies.
- Persons who work in high risk jobs.
Our DNA profiles are analyzed by our AABB and CAP accredited laboratory using state-of-the-art genetic identification system. The results are highly accurate and reliable, and are identical to those used in DNA Forensic applications for human identification purposes. Results are available within seven working days after arrival of the samples at our laboratory. We will send you a report detailing your unique 16 marker profile.